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  • 5 Important Benefits of Networking

5 Important Benefits of Networking

Cormac Herlihy

Networking has proven to be very beneficial and successful to our careers, but that’s what we think in terms of job hunting. Networking and connecting with other professionals can help with the development of your career also, it is a tool we sometimes only use we have decided we want to move on in our current position.


1.       Allows You to Help Others

A benefit that many of us tend to overlook is that networking allows us to help others, this may not exactly be the original intentions from all networkers but it is very rewarding helping others succeed in their dream job or putting in a good word and helping someone get a much needed promotion. It’s something we would all like done to ourselves and can being able to contribute to it for others does bring a very rewarding feeling


2.       Opens Doors to New Opportunities

Networking gives you a physical presence, from getting approached by recruiters about job opportunities to getting noticed by people who would like to work with you on a freelance basis. There is always a possibility of advancing your career. You must keep in mind that the opportunities that may present themselves could be not only in the form of new jobs but also meeting with an important person in your industry that could inspire you to change the course of your career.


3.       Fresh Ideas

It is always a good idea to stay up to date with your field of work, whether that’s to continue studying in your profession or self-educating ourselves with keeping up with relevant news. A wealth of knowledge also out there in conversing with different people in your industry. Getting their views, understandings and what works best for them. Receiving these fresh ideas allows you to return to your workplace with new practices and can make you stand out in front of the right people.   


4.       Expanding Your Support Network

Huge benefit that often gets overlooked, building your support network. Having a good support network is vital for your career, whether you’re only starting off or close to retirement. In an open network there will always be someone who has experience what your going through and advice how to conduct yourself through this period in your career can be crucial. If you are dealing with new clients and someone in your network has had previous business tips on how to approach them.


5.       Influence Things Positively

At all stages in our careers we can come to a lull, sometimes all we need is an influencer who can assist us and help things go our way, that’s what having a professional network does a lot of the time. A positive word can be put in where necessary. It is a helping aid and shows why its do important to build and maintain your network.  


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