Back To Work?

John Mansell

Returning to work when your children start school

Are you caught in two minds about returning to work now your child has started school?

Taking time away from a career to travel, care for a relative, or being a stay-at-home parent allows you to be more objective about it.

The thoughts of putting my own daughter into childcare/creche made my wife and I assess whether a job is something you want, can do mentally, physically, and financially. (Your life really does get turned upside down when the responsibility and priority of a dependent child arrives in your life)

You may even find that your interests, career choices, and financial independence have changed as a mother/father, and your previous job/industry no longer fits with you or your family.



So, before you start updating your CV, go for a walk, sit down for coffee, talk to your partner, and write down all the things that you would like to achieve professionally, time that you can commit to a job but also what matters most to you in a new career or job.

These are several things that are sometimes overlooked, and I don’t want to alarm you by listing all the potential objections you may face so I would encourage that you consider the scenarios below and have a plan in place to ensure that you have these covered before you start a search for a new job or career.

·       The school drop-off – can you fit it in? Who will do it instead?

·       School holidays – how many days of annual leave do you get?

·       Staff training days – how many will you need each year?

·       After school, Homework, Sports clubs – you want your children to do and experience these activities, but you still have to pick them up!

·       Sickness – what happens when your children are poorly and off school or fall sick and need collecting during the day

·       Did not want to mention the elephant in the room, but how would you cope with another Covid-19 Lockdown / School Closures

Potential employers and recruiters will almost certainly cover off the above scenarios for those mothers and fathers who have had a career break to be stay-at-home parent and can determine whether a job is offered or indeed accepted.

There is plenty of support available

You don’t have to struggle alone in resuming your career or returning to the workplace. Today there is a great deal of support available for mums and dads going back to work – from career advice, coaching, to CV writing experts and recruitment companies offering knowledge of the jobs market and suitability of both yours and their client needs.

Why go back to work?


Returning to the workplace can feel like a breath of fresh air, no one’s having a hissy fit or throwing their toys out of the pram (No Guarantee) and you get to have an adult conversation that you have craved during the day over the last few years.

You can rediscover that part of you that’s lain dormant and enjoy the challenges, goals, and using your professional experience.


Something that has been very topical during Covid-19 is mental health, many people have suggested that working during this time has met many of our basic emotional needs, and returning to work has helped boosts confidence level. A return to work can give you back identity and status beyond that of ‘mum’ or ‘Dad.


Are you ready or thinking about returning to the workplace? If so, please do not hesitate to contact Eirkoo for a confidential conversation or ask for advice!


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