Job Search - Do's and Don'ts

Honorata Ochowiak

So, you have decided to explore your options and look for a new job opportunity. Although most candidates that recruiters deal with are aware of “do’s and don’ts” of a job search, there are people out there who forget or don’t know how to go about it.

The following tips could prove useful during your search.  


(1)    CV

There are some basics CV tips everybody should be aware of, yet some people still forget that a badly written Résumé might prevent a recruiter/employer from contacting you. 

Make it easier for a recruiter/employer and keep in mind the following points when writing your CV.

·         Tailor your CV to your audience

If you have sent a Résumé to a company in which you have stated how much you want to work for them, do not send the exact same one to a recruiter or another firm. It looks unprofessional and an employer might think you do not care about securing a job with them.

·         Watch out for grammar and spelling mistakes and make sure to use the same layout/font throughout the CV.

Ask someone to proof-read your CV before you send it out anywhere.

·         Be honest

Don’t leave any important information out. If you feel like you need to explain something, leave a short note on your CV clarifying any issues. There is no point of omitting the truth as it will more than likely come out at some stage of the job application process and might make you look dishonest.

·         No waffle

Rather than writing extra-long sentences, use bullet points and make it easier for the reader to go through your CV.

If you are unsure whether your CV looks good, you can contact a Recruitment Consultant and they will give you free advice.


(2)    Applying for Jobs

Once your CV is ready, you will probably want to start applying for jobs. Most people these days apply through different online job platforms or use their personal network to secure a position.

They may also contact a recruitment agency to see what roles are out there.

It is always a good idea to speak to a specialist in order to find out information about the job market, salaries, open roles, etc.

You don’t have to meet with all the recruiters in your area, but it is a good idea to meet face to face with one or two.

·         To make the most out of your meeting, be honest about what you want. It will be easier for the recruiter to find you a suitable role and rule out any positions you would definitely not have any interest in.

·         If you are unsure about a certain position, it’s still worth applying for it. Don’t “judge a job specification by its cover”. It’s always good to meet with an employer and see for yourself. You might think you want to work for a certain company and after the interview decide it is not for you. Similarly, a firm you thought you weren’t suitable for could end up becoming your future workplace.

·         You don’t have to mention the names of companies you have already applied for, but if you applied for a position the recruiter is also working on, don’t be afraid to admit it. It doesn’t look professional if you apply to a company both directly and through a recruiter.


(3)    Interviews

If you got to an interview stage, you’re in a good place. Although it is stressful, it’s always good to practice interviews with different companies and meet new people.

·         If you need to cancel the interview, let the recruiter/company knows as far in advance as possible.

·         If you really don’t want to go for the interview anymore or got another job offer and you’re not sure what to do, don’t be afraid to say it to the recruiter. It’s better that they know so they can cancel the interview on your behalf. If you’re looking for a job in the future, you will come across as more reliable and the recruiter will know you are serious about your job search.  

·         Whether you are applying directly to the company or through a recruiter, do not forget to follow up after the interview. Send a “thank you” note or call the consultant to let them know how you got on.

·         If you get a job offer and you don’t want to accept it or are waiting on another offer, don’t be afraid to mention into the recruiter. The worst thing you can do is to stop answering your phone. The recruiter might be hesitant to help you in the future and the potential employer will remember that you didn’t even get in contact with them to decline the offer. You also never know who knows who. The employer you ignored might know somebody from the company you are trying to get into and if the word about what happened spreads, it might not work in your favour. 

·         If you do accept the offer, try to keep in touch with the recruiter as he might help you again in the future.

Your experience and personality are usually the most important factors when it comes to securing a role but make sure not to forget the above tips during your job search.


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