Moving Home To Ireland

Ciara O'Looney

For the first time since 2009, there are more people moving to Ireland than moving out with the Central Statistics Office quoting 90,300 people moving to Ireland in the year leading up to April 2018 with just 56,300 people moving out of Ireland during that time.

Having just moved back to Ireland myself having been living away for just under 4 years, I wanted to share some hints and tips for anyone thinking of making the move themselves.

I moved back to Dublin in October 2018 and commenced working here in Eirkoo Recruitment in November. Since my time here, half of the placements I have made, have come from candidates moving back to Ireland.

I had decided about 6 months beforehand that I was definitely making the move and so I started the following plan:

·         Register with for a ROS account if you are in need as something with proof of address.

·         Start looking at opening a bank account before you move home if you haven’t got one already. Bank of Ireland’s “Coming to Ireland” team was a great help to me and a great benefit opening it months in advance of coming home meaning I could start transferring any savings back.

·         Recruiters! Make contact with a recruiter in the industry you’re in and get market specific information i.e., what will be coming available, who is recruiting and who isn’t and what the salary scales are like for the area you’re in.

·         Qualifications! are they still relevant or have you kept up with your CPD hours? This seems to be a running theme for people moving back who are either not QFA qualified due to not needing the qualification in other countries or not keeping up with CPD hours meaning exams need to be resat.

·         Facebook groups such as “Irish Expats Returning to Ireland” are great for relevant experiences, pros and cons and suggestions for moving companies and insurance brokers.

Moving home can be quite difficult in terms of the amount of planning needed but also for the time it takes to get settled back in a different environment.

Reach out to me should you need advice or indeed to be put in contact with someone in the Mortgage or Insurance industry for making future plans.


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