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  • Retail to Recruitment … My Story so far

Retail to Recruitment … My Story so far

Lisa Brady

2015 my 5th Christmas in retail through college and after, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't for me.

Turn January 2016 I hopped on a plane to Australia, everyone was, sure I'll only be gone a year.

Melbourne, a beautiful place of flat whites, old school theme parks and 7/11 sausage rolls. You were different, artsy, cold, I liked you but still it wasn't for me.

Let's go plant almond trees in Mildura, with only a hostel name, a train ticket and the talks of work. We went. I did my time, I learnt of almonds, there was one more year. 2017 I knew I hadn't found what I was looking for.

Let's go to Sydney, with the last of my almond money. Soon a job, a house and friends came in to the picture. But I had found it, my "home and away" experience. The sun, the sea, the sand.

Working in call centres, hours on the phone, I was good at this, I was good in retail, I liked people, I understood people and knew how to ask the right questions.

Recruitment, never thought of it? ... talk to some people, see what it's Like? The more people I talked to, the more I thought - I could maybe do this.

Back to Ireland with a different frame of mind, an air of positivity, a tan and a plan. Recruitment? What have I got to loose.

1 month back home, 2 snow storms later I got a job! It was like the stars had aligned. It made sense.

My director, Darragh helped set up the Dublin office after working in Perth for 6 years, my mentor Kate, did the same course as myself in DIT, those who have done that course know how random that is. Their stories for the most part are similar to mine in many ways. They understood.

Let's give this my best shot, most people say you know after a few months if it's for you or not.

5 months in with incredible support from my colleagues and directors, I have to say I'm happy. I feel valued, I am helping people who appreciate my help, I am trusted to work on my own time and although the job for sure has ups and downs, working with such a supportive, collaborative team outweighs any bad days.

I have had a few milestones thus far; I made my first placement in my first month.

I have placed a candidate in a new role and got them an increase of almost 50% of their previous salary.

I have placed with a major international retailer.

And I have helped a friend find their next big role! With that, in hand I have helped my colleagues place a further 8 people within accounting and finance roles.

I have found something I enjoy, that challenges me on a daily basis (“Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway”), a team that offers support and advice, and a job which allows me to have a work life balance. I am excited to find out what the next few months hold. What clients I will work with and what candidates I will help find what they are looking for. I seem to have developed a niche for filling what are perceived to be hard to fill roles, so lets see what other challenges lie in my path.

From Retail to Recruitment, my story so far.

Watch this space.


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