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  • You’ve just been rejected from a job. What to do next?

You’ve just been rejected from a job. What to do next?

Being rejected from a job can be a difficult experience, but it's important to remember that rejection is a part of life. It's important to turn that rejection into a positive experience and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. In this blog post, you'll learn how to use a job rejection as a stepping stone to success by planning your next steps.

Understanding why you were rejected


After you've been rejected for a job, it's important to take the time to understand why your application was unsuccessful. It may be that someone else had more relevant experience or qualifications than you; however, there may have been other issues related to your application. Analysing the reasons behind the rejection can help you identify where you can improve and provide the skills and qualities needed for future applications. You will then greatly increase your chances of getting the job you want!

Job rejections can be very disheartening. However, you should use this as an opportunity to pick yourself up and learn from the experience. 

Ask the hiring manager or your recruiter for feedback regarding your job application - they may have helpful information which you can use to refine your skills and help you be successful in future applications. 

Investing time in developing your strengths and working on areas of improvement will greatly benefit any future job prospects.

All in all, a job rejection can be a difficult experience to navigate but by taking the time to look into other jobs that may better suit your skillset and researching how you can tailor your CV and cover letter to make them fit, you're giving yourself the best chance possible at finding success with your job search.

Learning From the Experience


Instead of letting it affect your confidence and self-esteem, try to view it as an opportunity to reflect on what went well during the job interview, and what you could have done differently. By taking this positive approach and looking at it as a learning experience, you will not only be better prepared for future interviews but also ultimately increase your chances of being successful in securing that all-important new job.

If you have been on the job hunt for a while and have yet to hear back from potential employers, it's important to not take rejection personally. Instead, use it as an opportunity to ask for feedback. This feedback could prove invaluable in helping you improve your resume or interview skills moving forward. It wouldn't be wise to ignore any offered advice, since you can use that information to take yourself out of a cycle of job rejections and hopefully make some progress in securing the position or career of your choice!

Besides the initial disappointment of job rejection, it can be a great opportunity for self-reflection. Taking some time to consider why you may have been unsuccessful and how you can adjust your approach moving forward is important in continuing to reach for success. Don't let a job rejection become an obstacle; use it as motivation to continue pursuing your career goals!


Identifying Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Looking back at how you handled various aspects of your application such as resume writing, interviews or networking events can provide valuable insight so that you are better prepared when applying for other positions.

Taking the time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, as well as what could have been done differently in a job interview, can help you improve for future opportunities. Analyzing where your skills need improvement and identifying areas of growth is key to demonstrating them in the best possible way and increasing your chances of success at future job interviews.

You can also use this opportunity to start networking with other professionals in the field who may offer valuable insight or assistance in finding your next job opportunity. With a well-crafted plan and the help of those already established in your industry, you will be sure to find success with future applications.

Creating an Action Plan

Though it may feel like taking two steps back, take time to use this rejection as an opportunity to refocus and recharge. Evaluate your goals and determine how you can move forward from this experience. Don't let it set you back from reaching your career objectives.

Also, don't let the recent job rejection discourage you from continuing your job search. Rejection is part of any job hunt and the more opportunities you pursue, the chances for success increase. Taking this time to increase your connections and networking opportunities can help you become more competitive for future jobs. Networking is a great way to meet new people in your industry who may have insider tips on other positions that are not as publicized. Take advantage of this setback to recharge, reflect and keep searching until you find what's right for you!

Adjusting Your Job Search Strategy

It's important to refine your resume and make sure it accurately highlights your abilities, network with professionals in the industry to gain an understanding of what employers are looking for, and even consider expanding your search criteria if necessary. If you want assistance throughout your job search, consider working with a recruiter who is familiar with your industry and can offer valuable advice.

Taking these steps will help better prepare you when it comes time for a job interview and bring you closer to achieving career success.

Here are our recruitment specialists' top tips on How to plan your next steps after job rejection:

Laura Saltyte

Recruitment Resourcer (sourcing accounting professionals within practice firms)

“Move on! Don't let one rejection hit your confidence. Take it as a lesson to get better at the next interview.

Track all your applications (have a list of jobs and companies that you apply for) and remind yourself that there will be competition but focus on your strengths.”


Kate Fennelly

Associate Director (recruiting in Accountancy and Finance)

“Ask for detailed feedback and anything the interviewers felt you could improve on.

Remember someone else might have more relevant experience but you will be that person for other processes so move on and don't dwell on it. Sometimes it's out of your control. “

Sean Lillefosse

Recruitment Consultant (recruiting within Wealth Management & Financial Planning)

“The best things to do are to take any positives from the rejection.

Use the interview as experience for future reference.

And it shows you are wanted by employers but maybe the time isn’t right!”


Aisling Kinsella

Recruitment Consultant (specialises in the placement of part-qualified, newly qualified, and senior accountants into Industry role)
“Always seek feedback from the interviewing company. Spend some time reflecting on the process and how you feel it went. Try to pick out the areas you felt went well and put some time into improving where you feel you may have fallen down. Once you have done your best, it's mostly out of your control, so always look forward and see what else is out there! 

In everyone's career, there will be jobs they didn't get or interviews that didn't go well so try not to dwell on it and move on to the next one.”


Ian Bailey

Principal Consultant (specialises in assisting accounting and finance professionals find new opportunities across all industry sectors)

“Keep a positive mindset. This role may not have worked out for you but there will be plenty more like it in the new year. 

Always Learn. You need to learn from each process.  Remember interview questions that you might have answered poorly. Make sure the next time you are asked that question that you have an excellent answer prepared. “


Niall Murphy

Manager Legal and Compliance (specialises in sourcing and placing professionals within the legal, compliance, and company secretarial sector)

“Make sure you are applying to roles that suit your previous experience. 

Too often people with irrelevant experience to the role are applying. And try to tailor your CV to the job advert by adding the keywords in the job spec to your own CV. “


Shane Mannion
Associate Consultant
“Always ask for feedback from the client, what exactly was it that I was lacking for the role. I would also try to learn from it, not dwell and be disappointed for too long because the right opportunity is out there for everyone. I believe job rejection makes someone a more resilient person.”


Nikki McCabe

Manager Wealth and Financial Planning 

After rejection, it is always best to get feedback from the interviewer and/or recruitment consultant. 

Find out where you went wrong and what you could improve on. 

The main thing is to not let fear or rejection get in the way of you applying for more jobs and continuing to interview. Consistency is key and you never know when you might land on your feet!!


Darragh Everard 

Managing Director - Accounting & Tax

“If you were rejected at the resume submission stage, review your resume and see ensure that you tailored it to the requirements of the advertised job. Tailoring your resume to each application is a vital stage of the process. 

If you were rejected at the interview stage, detailed feedback from the client is where your answer lies.”


If you need assistance with your job search, please do not hesitate to contact Eirkoo for a confidential conversation or ask for advice!


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